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The main publications of the ATTILA Team up to now are:
Conference Papers
- A SIMD-efficient 14 Instruction Shader Program for High-Throughput Microtriangle Rasterization.
Jordi Roca, Victor Moya, Carlos Gonzalez, Vicente Escandell, Albert Murciego, Agustin Fernandez and Roger Espasa
Computer Graphics International 2010 (June 8-11th, Singapore). Published by the Springer Visual Computing Journal (Springer journal website link, requires institutional or membership login to access the full article) Presentation Slides(PDF)
- Scaling of 3D Game Engine Workloads on Modern Multi-GPU Systems.
Jordi Roca Monfort and Mark Grossman
The 1st ACM Conference on High Performance Graphics (HPG-09) August 2009. (PDF) Slides (PPT|PDF) - Workload Characterization of 3D Games.
Jordi Roca, Victor Moya, Carlos González, Chema Solis, Agustín Fernández and Roger Espasa.
IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC-2006), pp. - , January 2006.(PDF)(PPT Slides)
- ATTILA: A Cycle-Level Execution-Driven Simulator for Modern GPU Architectures.
Víctor Moya, Carlos González, Jordi Roca, Agustín Fernández and Roger Espasa.
IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS-2006), March 2006.(PDF)(PPT Slides)
- Shader Performance Analysis on a Modern GPU Architecture.
Víctor Moya, Carlos González, Jordi Roca, Agustín Fernández and Roger Espasa.
The 38th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-38), November 2005.(PDF) - A Single (Unified) Shader GPU Microarchitecture for Embedded Systems.
Víctor Moya, Carlos González, Jordi Roca, Agustín Fernández and Roger Espasa.
2005 International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures & Compilers (HiPEAC 2005), November 2005.(PDF)
Master Thesis
- Anàlisi de jocs Direct3D9 mitjançant estadístiques d'API i comptadors hardware (Text in Catalan)
Albert Murciego.
Master Thesis for the Graduate Studies, July 2010.(PDF)(PDF Slides Catalan).
- ACD: A common OpenGL and Direct3D driver for the Attila GPU (Text in English)
Vicente Escandell.
Master Thesis for the Graduate Studies, February 2010.(PDF)(PPT Slides Spanish).
- Caracterización e implementación de algoritmos de compresión en la GPU ATILA (Text in Spanish)
Christian Perez.
Master Thesis for the Graduate Studies, January 2008.(PDF)(PPT Slides Spanish).
- Extensión a Direct3D del driver de un simulador de GPU (Text in Spanish)
Chema Solis.
Master Thesis for the Graduate Studies, July 2007.(PDF)(PPT Slides Spanish).
- Librería Direct3D (Text in Catalan)
David Abella.
Master Thesis for the Graduate Studies, July 2007(PDF)(PPT Slides Catalan).
- Shader generation and compilation for a programmable GPU (Text in Spanish)
Jordi Roca.
Master Thesis for the Graduate Studies, July 2005.(PDF)(PPT Slides Spanish)(PPT Slides English)
- Support tools for a 3D graphics processor simulation framework (Text in Spanish)
Carlos González.
Master Thesis for the Graduate Studies, June 2004.(PDF)(PPT Slides Spanish)