D3DDriver evolution

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The first image is the Microsoft D3D output, the following images are produced by the Attila D3DDriver, most recent first.

Target Frame, as rendered by DX9
HL2: Lost Coast rendered by Direct3D. This is our target frame, it corresponds to the menu screen of the game. We chose this scene because it includes a lot of geometry and textures, and uses an HDR effect achieved by rendering the scene several times at different resolutions and blending the results. Off screen rendering is also used in the sea area.
HL2: Lost Coast on Attila, 2008.07.11. Chema already left the group to start working on a mobile game company but as final tribute to his great work look at how the same frame is being rendered today.
HL2: Lost Coast on Attila, 2008.04.25. On previous screenshots, some geometry was missing, noticeably the mountains, due to some subtle error in some place. After months of digging in the code we have found the bug, just a small change in two lines O_o. That's one small step for a programmer, a giant leap for D3DDriver.
HL2: Lost Coast on Attila, 2008.01.30. Visually, the most noticeable change is texture filtering, that is pretty obvious in the shadows of the big building on the right. Behind the scenes, Z and Stencil test support have been implemented. The next target, I couldn't have said it better myself, is Render Target support. That's the reason for the noise in the sea that corresponds to a texture that will hold the render of the reflected scene.
HL2: Lost Coast on Attila, 2007.12.21. All textures are correctly read. All texture formats in use are supported, including compressed texture formats like DXT1 and DXT5. Cube Textures and Volume Textures are operative also.
HL2: Lost Coast on Attila, 2007.12.05. Some formats of 2D Textures supported, memory layout now matches what the gpu expects. Pixel Shading is working, notice the illumination is closer to the target D3D frame. Finally Alpha blending is introduced: look the change in the trees next to the church.
HL2: Lost Coast on Attila, 2007.11.29. The hardcoded pixel shader samples a 2D texture. Memory layout of textures is not the same that gpu expects, that's the reason for the disordered texels.
HL2: Lost Coast on Attila, 2007.10.31. Vertex shading early support, at least it projects geometry correctly. You can see the geometry colored with the texture coordinates.